Dear Subscribers,

I am very pleased to introduce you to the second issue of the newsletter of Maastricht Blog on Transitional Justice. With this issue you will have the opportunity to read some of the excellent material published during the last three months.

Among the material you can find the text of my presentation (in Spanish) about victim participation in ICC proceedings, with reference to the investigation of the situation in Venezuela that was recently open by the ICC Prosecutor. The presentation was for human rights defenders in Venezuela and it was part of the seminar organised by the International Institute of Social Responsibility and Human Rights on 6 December 2021. The Institute is carrying out an excellent work across Latin America and I would like to seize this opportunity to compliment the Institute’s Director, my dear friend Víctor Rodríguez Rescia, for the great work done.

You can also find a contribution by Hanif Jazaheri, on the 1988 execution of Iranian political prisoners by the Ayatollah Khomeini’s regime. As pointed out by Hanif, “while key perpetrators of those mass atrocities have now risen to positions of power, the world is, belatedly, only just starting to wake up to the crisis of impunity that exists in Iran.”

This issue also offers a contribution by our editor Renée de Geus, who reviewed the book Kosovo and Transitional Justice: The Pursuit of Justice After Large-Scale Conflict, by Aidan Hehir and Furtuna Sheremeti. Transitional justice in Kosovo is one of Renée’s main areas of interest and it appears that she liked the book very much. Just read the review to know why.

Finally, I am happy to tell you that the Blog is receiving more and more material to publish, and it is attracting more and more subscribers. This is great news. In this context, I would like to ask you to keep promoting the page of the Blog on Facebook, as well as the Twitter account. Moreover, if you wish to propose themes for discussion, books for review or persons to interview, just send me an email to:

Fabián Raimondo,

Executive Editor

La Plata, 16 February 2022